
Western Civilization Heritage Israel Program (C.H.I.P) provides mainly non-Jewish middle-school-age children in the community the opportunity to gain direct knowledge of their heritage through tours to the State of Israel, affording them a deeper understanding of the origin of the monotheistic faiths, solidifying for them an ever-lasting impression of the Holy Land, and creating a special bond between them and the modern State of Israel.

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From Our President

Dear Friend of the Civilized World,

I am pleased to introduce to you Western Civilization Heritage Israel Program, acronym C.H.I.P, a non-profit educational foundation.

C.H.I.P. is an idea its time has come. It is now more appropriate than ever to work to make it a world movement, this if we, those who believe that today’s upside world must own tolerance and peace culture.

At C.H.I.P. we are about teaching basic Western values. We believe that one of the best ways to teach these values, this includes combating intolerance, is to get people, especial middle school students, to visit Israel. We know that those who get to visit Israel, the cradle of western civilization, fall in love with the country in one way or another. Learning about the Holy Land will educate the participants about a vibrant western society its roots are in the birth of western values, thousands of years ago.

On this website we provide you, the viewer, with all the pertinent information to understand why C.H.I.P is so important to the future of our civilized world and to gain broad understanding of the project.

C.H.I.P is seeking the public to get involved in the effort.

C.H.I.P is planning the inaugural expedition for May 2016. Whitwell, Tennessee, middle-school students, of the Paper-Clips Project and the Children’s Holocaust Memorial, are the first to partake in C.H.I.P’s tour of Israel. Their trip will be filmed and be made into full length docufilm which C.H.I.P, in turn, will use to introduce, promote and spread the value of this universal education program worldwide. Thereafter, we foresee the program receiving even greater support. From what I have heard so far, from the very many people to whom I have introduced the C.H.I.P Program, the favoring buzz is growing.

When you INVEST in values, you secure your children’s future. Supporting C.H.I.P will help assemble the funds required to achieve the initial goal of this important, life changing for young students, program. Once we have accomplished the inaugural part of C.H.I.P‘s Program, our efforts will be invested in taking many more middle school students to Israel, on an on-going basis.

Parents, join the mission; talk with your family members, friends, community leaders and educators about the C.H.I.P program and together we will be able to achieve life-changing results.

We invite you to get involved with C.H.I.P, in any way possible, in order for us to get this meaningful program off the ground and with that making a difference worldwide.

Ideas and values are the force that drives the civilized world’s history. By investing in what we believe, we will secure the future of our civilized world, and nowadays that should be our priority.

Be a builder of bridges of hearts, minds and souls! Become part of C.H.I.P, western values in harmony.

All the best and Shalom,

Nurit Greenger, President
C.H.I.P (Western Civilization Heritage Israel Program)